GY!BE kündigen Album für April an

GY!BE kündigen Album für April an
© by Yannick Grandmont

GODSPEED YOU! BLACK EMPEROR melden sich zurück.

„G_d's Pee At State's End!“, das neue Album von GODSPEED YOU! BLACK EMPEROR aus dem kanadischen Montreal, erscheint am 02.04.21 bei Constellation Records. In der aktuellen Pressemitteilung fordern GY!BE u.a. die Öffnung von Gefägnissen und die Entmächtigung der Polizei.

GODSPEED YOU! BLACK EMPEROR umgibt eine rätselhafte Aura. Diese entsteht durch die Gesamtheit aus Musik, Statements ihres kreativen Kopfs Efrim Menuck (der sich als Anarchist bezeichnet), Verweigerungshaltung und grafischer Darbietung der Tonträger, die Raum für Spekulation und Interpretation lassen.

Die Kritik zum vorherigen Album „Luciferian Towers“ befasste sich ausführlich mit der Diskussion um BDS und Israel-Boycott (siehe Ox #134).

Hier die Ankündigung der Band im Original:

„we wrote it on the road mostly. when that was still a place.
and then recorded it in masks later, distanced at the beginning of the second wave. 
it was autumn, and the falling sun was impossibly fat and orange. 
we tried to summon a brighter reckoning there,
bent beneath varied states of discomfort, worry and wonderment. 

we fired up the shortwave radios again, for the first time in a long time.
and found that many things had changed. 
the apocalypse pastors were still there, but yelling END TIMES NOW where they once yelled "end times soon".
and the transmission-detritus of automated militaries takes up more bandwidth now,
so that a lot of frequencies are just pulses of rising white static,
digital codexes announcing the status of various watching and killing machines.
and the ham-radio dads talk to each other all night long.
about their dying wives and what they ate for lunch and what they'll do with their guns when antifa comes.

this record is about all of us waiting for the end. 
all current forms of governance are failed.
this record is about all of us waiting for the beginning, 
and is informed by the following demands=
empty the prisons
take power from the police and give it to the neighbourhoods that they terrorise.
end the forever wars and all other forms of imperialism.
tax the rich until they're impoverished.

much love to all the other lost and lovely ones,
these are death-times and our side has to win.
we'll see you on the road once the numbers fall.“


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