NOMEANSNO: Keine Reunion, aber ...

NOMEANSNO: Keine Reunion, aber ...

John Wright kündigt neue Musik an.

John Wright von NOMEANSNO, den wir neulich ausführlich fürs Ox interviewt hatten (siehe Ox #157 und Ox #158), meldet sich (bald) mit neuer Musik zurück - aber nicht als NOMEANSNO. Hier sein Post: 

Ok. I can hear the rumour mills starting up already. To clarify…and at the risk of being a bit of a buzzkill. This not a precursor to a NMN reunion. Rob has 100% retired. This is primarily me, with some awesome contributions from friends. Y’all will see the credits.
Robby and I collaborated on so many songs and i was very privileged to have had such a good lyricist bring life to so many of my musical ideas. I am not much of a, and certainly not a prolific, lyricist. However, This release does contain an old tune of mine that Rob had written words for that never got off the ground but i have wanted to finish for over 20 years! Its done, for what its worth. I have also Redone an old NMN song that i also thought was one of our best collaborations but was lost to obscurity. Though the version was fine I always felt we weren’t quite the right band for it so i took some liberties.
If something can come together to perform live i will be game. That remains to be seen. It will not include Rob re: aforementioned retirement. Though it seems like such a long time, i have been working on three records, the first being finished. And I of course hope it will appeal to all the curious NMN fans, it certainly continues along that vein. Hopefully reach some new ones too! Isnt DIY back in vogue? 
The second is well on its way, lyrically lagging behind as is my bane but mostly together. It will appeal to some fans… hopefully….the weirdos perhaps.
The third is still a ways off, requiring the services of several different kinds of instrumentalists. So who knows when that’ll get done. It’ll appeal to few though, probably, so i guess there’s no rush   Ill get it off my chest eventually….
And of course there was the Robots in amongst it all! And the pub…
Its been a busy 10 years.

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